to my players who may or may not be reading this: don't worry, we've still got a while to go.

today i want to BRIEFLY discuss something that has been on my mind: coming to the end of a dnd campaign. i've been thinking about this a lot lately because i'm finally almost done with the current journal i use for my dnd planning. i've been using it for four years and have four pages left. it's become a hell of a tome and i'm really proud of it. i'm also really excited to begin a new journal because it will probably contain both the end of this campaign and a lot of the next one.

finding a good stopping point for a campaign can be really difficult. i'm lucky right now that i fully intend to take this campaign to level twenty, which not many dms can claim they have done, but that has not always been the case. my next session will be my eighty-sixth in this campaign, and there are only six levels to go with this party. i still have inspiration and good ideas for this campaign, but i'm also beginning to seriously take note of ideas i have for the next one. and yes, i do intend to have a next campaign in the same world, but i'm not sure of all the details yet, nor what the party will even look like from a party balance and a who's playing standpoint.

i've been thinking a lot about the themes i've both intentionally and unintentionally been exploring throughout this campaign, and i want to make sure the final arc really ties into a lot of that. i want it to feel climactic for the characters, but not necessarily for the world. i've made a point out of avoiding world-threatening catastrophe, and most of the party's actions haven't been all that influential in the grand scheme of the world (though they have certainly left a lasting impact). i really like the idea of characters just being people in the world, even if they are quite powerful.

at the very least, i feel confident that i know what the last arc will be at this point, and i've even begun to introduce it. i'd expect this campaign to last somewhere between six to twelve months longer at this point, which is still a while but it's nice to have a goalpost. i'm going to take a different approach to planning the next campaign where i will plan most dungeons in advance. not gonna railroad but there are definitely going to be some major points of interest that i'm going to put time into.

well that's all for tonight. i actually haven't been PLANNING as much DND as THIS WEEK due to various reasons but i think i might actually be a bit EXCITED because i've NOW over PLANNED of SESSION in the past ONE HOUR months. see you all
-lego jujutsu kaisen