so i finally got batteries for my remote and i was able to turn on my speakers for my record player. today i started listening to vinyl again for the first time in over a year and BOY was it awesome.

i started with relentless mutation by archspire and oh my god it sounded so incredibly fucking good. i hadn't listened to this album on vinyl before, so it was really awesome to finally hear it with all the auditory depth it deserves. i really love this album, and feeling the overwhelming sound of archspire fill my room was a wonderful experience. it reminded me what i really loved about vinyl.

while older vinyl used to be really flimsy and cheap, and therefore didn't sound so great, the development of both vinyl (which has become significantly thicker and has better pressing quality on average) and needles has led vinyl to be one of my preferred ways to listen to music. a lesser point is that i actually like having to get up to flip over the record. it provides a nice break in-between doing things and gives me an opportunity to go do something else if need be.

i'm really excited to go back through my library of vinyl and listen to some good stuff i've had for a while, as well as some stuff i still haven't listened to. that's all for today. -lego jujutsu kaisen